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Top Capitol Consulting

State Funding Opportunities

Securing funding and opportunities through strategic lobbying and public policy expertise.

Providing in-depth policy analysis and tailored strategic advice.

Directly advocating in the Capitol to influence legislative decisions and secure your objectives.

Policy Expertise
Direct Lobbying Support
Navigating Missouri's legislative landscape with strategic advice, lobbying, and securing state funding.

Experts in Missouri Government Consulting

Top Capitol Consulting LLC, led by Dr. Jerry Hobbs, provides expert guidance through Missouri's legislative landscape. With Dr. Hobbs' extensive experience in public education and lobbying, we offer strategic advice, detailed policy analysis, and direct lobbying to help you secure state funding and navigate public policy effectively.

Comprehensive Legislative Strategy
Tailored State Funding Solutions

Leveraging Dr. Hobbs' deep understanding of legislative processes and his network of key relationships, we specialize in identifying and securing state funding opportunities. Our tailored approach ensures that your organization achieves its funding goals efficiently and effectively.

Premier Legislative and Policy Support

Expertise in Missouri's legislative arena, with Dr. Jerry Hobbs' strategic insight and proven track record in delivering successful state funding solutions and direct lobbying services.

Successful Funding Acquisition

Our proven success in the 2024 legislative session, including over $20 million in funding, underscores our ability to capitalize on every available opportunity for our clients.

Strategic Policy Consulting

Led by Dr. Jerry Hobbs, our team provides personalized policy analysis and strategic advice, drawing on Dr. Hobbs' extensive background in education reform and government consulting to guide your organization through complex legislative issues.